the changing of the tides in the kanmon straits is very strong , and the taira navy , who had a thorough understanding of the tides there , was able to ride the rapid tidal current and rain down arrows on the enemy , and kept pushing back the yoshitsune ' s army , the warriors from the east japan , who were unused to fighting at sea . 関門海峡は潮の流れの変化が激しく、水軍の運用に長けた平氏軍はこれを熟知しており、早い潮の流れに乗ってさんざんに矢を射かけて、海戦に慣れない坂東武者の義経軍を押しまくった。
in such " houses with diaries ," beyond simply having the family head of each successive generation record and then maintain ownership of a diary , family members would also make manuscript copies , abridged versions , and indices (by topic or category ) of the house diary , and gain a thorough understanding and knowledge of court practices through research into what was recorded therein; moreover , such families also tried to guard against the possibility of losing their house diaries by setting up a governmental system in which they themselves could serve the imperial court as officials or the sekkanke (the line of regents and advisors ) as keishi (clerks and household superintendents ) and karei (house retainers ), thereby aiming to keep their family name stable and secure . 日記の家では歴代の当主が単に日記を執筆したり所持するだけでなく、家記から写本や抄本、部類記の作成や内容の研究を通じてそこに書かれた有職故実の内容を吸収するとともに、家記の喪失を防いで朝廷の官吏あるいは摂関家の家司・家礼として奉仕できる体制を整えることで家名の安定を図っていった。